Our specialties are our own unique design of Custom Residential and Commercial Design, all of which are done with 3D parametric design. See some of our renderings of the 3D work on the home page.
R. L. Sawn Design Studio can provide design for new or remodeled construction, for Residential, both Single Family and Multifamily, and Live Work Units along with Hospitality (Restaurants and Hotels). We also provide Design Services for small to medium sized tenant improvements for retail / restaurant / medical offices / corporate offices & automotive sales.
Yorba Linda Packing House - Circa 1985. Shown in picture above.
The mission of R. L. Sawn Design Studio is to assist clients, property owners, individuals, and the community to realize their architectural goals. We first identify their ideas, goals and desires and provide solutions that are well received, identified, and are cost effective for the project.
The professionals of R. L. Sawn Design Studio are highly experienced designers, planners and craftsman; we regard of ourselves as design consultants and advisors, bringing to each project the benefits of accumulated experience and specialized knowledge by utilizing the proper association of professionals for the project – fitting the talents with your project.
"We believe that architecture is a social art that is the mixture of site specifics, climate, and program. Rather than deriving our solutions from preconceived or abstract theories, we believe in a process that strives for an esthetic architecture that uniquely responds to the particular needs of each client."
Copyright R. L. Sawn Design Studio. All rights reserved.